Kanye Performs "Heartless" On Conan....and Has To Pee

By Dell on 8:33 AM

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Yeezy stopped by Conan last night to promote his new album and talk about his fashion line. Things were cut short just a little bit when Kanye stopped mid-sentence to declare he had to use the restroom... check it.

"If I sing off-key it really points that out. It points out the bad notes. So I actually have to sing more perfect. But I use it because I like the electronic feel. I like the sound. I want to juxtapose Taiko drums and monk choirs with Auto-Tune. I deliver music like it's art. I feel like I'm a Pop Artist. Sidebar: I have to use the bathroom really, really bad, and they didn't give me enough time, I just wanted to tell you that."

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